I’m just a girl with a blog. A blog that has changed my life. When I first started blogging, I thought I had life all figured out. I had a checklist and everything that was happening around me checked off my list, yet I still felt like there was something more to life that I was missing. Since starting my blog, I can certainly say that I've changed in the way I move, the way I think, and the way I feel. I used to think I had life figured out. I decided at a young age that I would earn an athletic scholarship to the school of my choice, go on to pharmacy school and graduate summa cum laude earning my doctorate in pharmacy. I also decided that I would foster old friendships and make some new ones. I decided that I would get married, buy a house and start a family. You see, I decided this at a young age, and I worked my butt off to get it done. One thing about me is that when I set out to do something, it’s going to get done – mamba mentality.
And so, I got it done, everything I set out to do had been done. Sure, I was happy, in fact, I thought I was living the dream! I thought I was living the life, until I realized I wasn’t. I remember, very vividly, having a conversation with my husband about how the average millionaire had 7 streams of income and we started counting ours. It didn’t take long to realize that we certainly weren’t on track and that the extra shifts we were picking up weren’t going to get us there. The day Madison was born was the day I realized I had to do something different. I couldn’t work 40+ hours every single week anymore, I couldn’t continue to rely solely on my husband and I’s pharmacy income to survive, and I couldn’t continue to put off building a true legacy with my husband for our family. The days of depositing excuses were over.
So, I added a side hustle, a side hustle that completely changed the game. That was the first of many things that I would add to my life plan that I hadn’t signed up for originally. My side hustle allowed me to understand my self-worth and monetize it. I am forever indebted to the industry of network marketing and not because of the money. I mean sure, the money is great, but it’s more than just that. It’s allowed me to develop and grow in ways I never thought possible and I’ve made lifelong friends because of it. That is what I am most thankful for.
I’m sure you’re wondering how blogging comes into play. I’m getting there. I started blogging because of my side hustle. A good friend brought it to my attention that I needed to start a blog because whether I believed it or not, people were interested in what I had to say and that I had voice among those in my community. I didn’t believe it then, and it still blows my mind to this day, but I took a leap of faith and started the blog anyway. Thank God. I did. It was scary and exhilarating, but I knew if I could help even one person, then launching the blog was worth it!
My transition into blogging was easier than I thought it would be. I mean for years on Instagram, I had shared about things that I loved and that I was passionate about – God, marriage, motherhood, our professions, entrepreneurship and living out our dreams. I guess you could say I was blogging long before the official launch of my blog. Originally, I just wanted to have a platform that would allow me to share with everyone that I had found a life changing opportunity that had allowed me to pay off debt, build up our savings, and help others do the exact same thing. I wanted to encourage others and let them know that there was so much more to life than what met the eye – and that they deserved more. This hasn't changed, I still feel this way, but my life and goals as an influencer have evolved into so much more than just that.
Fast forward a year and half, and here we are. I never in my wildest dreams thought I could ever be here – running multiple businesses from my laptop and phone while building a legacy with my husband. I have found my true passion in sharing our life journey with all of you. I will continue to share the good, the bad, and the in between. My goal has always been to be transparent and to let you know that even though my life is FAR from perfect, I truly am living the life of my dreams. My goal is to continue to grow and be better for those around me. My husband always tells me that my happiness radiates through me and he’s so happy that I have found something that not only helps contribute to our legacy, but that sets my soul on fire. It’s one thing to go through the motion, but it’s another thing to live in your purpose and to recognize that God is always present and actively at work. Blogging has allowed me to dream again and it makes me feel so alive!
People ask me all the time if I'm still a pharmacist. The answer is ABSOLUTELY! I went to school too long and worked too hard to completely give up my profession. I still love what I do. That is the beauty of having side hustles though, I have the flexibility to do what I love on my own time. Another question I get is how do you have time? My answer is I am always on the phone anyways, so I might as well get paid for it. haha. Same applies to you!
So, If you're looking to make a change or realizing that there is more to life than just going with the flow, understand that change only happens when the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of change. It's so easy to make excuses and not step out of your comfort zone, but then there will be a time when you reflect and look back. You're going to wonder why you didn't just take the chance, why you didn't invest in yourself. You'll be thinking about what COULD have happened. I'm telling you this because I've been here. Excuses don't create results and they certainly don't generate income. What makes our dreams more important than yours? That's the thing, they aren't. If you're ready to take your life from where it is right now to where you truly want to go, let's partner up and make it happen.
Thanks to each and everyone of you for supporting and following along with our journey. We appreciate it more than you know! It's been an amazing journey so far and I’ve still got so much growing to do, but I am so so excited for what’s to come! You can email me at everythingfusiler@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram @brittfusilier.